Worldwide Ambassadors
Jacobs 3D Ambassadors
The body of research, study and expertise that encompasses Jacobs 3D is sophisticated and multi-faceted, and it takes significant time and effort to master. Through the Jacobs 3D Ambassador program, teachers, researchers and players that finish that demanding circuit of education and training qualify to join the most exclusive learning community in the game. Ambassadors have access to Jacobs 3D swing analysis and reporting, can participate in elite teaching, coaching and study events, and can attend and bring students to Jacobs 3D retreats.
One of the primary goals of the Jacobs 3D initiative is to translate university-grade research into everyday golf teaching and playing. Jacobs 3D ambassadors learn the work of Dr. Steven Nesbit and Michael Jacobs from original research papers to the Science of the Golf Swing textbook to real-world applications. As an ambassador, you will be able to analyze golf swings at the highest level of biomechanical research.
The first step to becoming an Ambassador is to study the Training Camp Webinar - The Basics (which is located below).
After you complete the webinar, the next step is to book a 1 on 1 Ambassador Training Day with Michael Jacobs at Jacobs 3D Headquarters on Long Island, NY.