Seminar - Biomechanics of the Golf Swing
Dr. Steven Nesbit and Michael Jacobs
Monday, November 1, 2021
10 am to 12, 2 pm to 4 ET
Join Golf Digest 50 Best Teacher Michael Jacobs and the world-renowned sports movement scientist Dr. Steven Nesbit for a first-of-its-kind one-day Zoom Webinar on the practical applications of swing biomechanics. Designed for both coaches and dedicated swing enthusiast players, the seminar will feature a live, real-time swing capture from the Jacobs 3D studio and analysis from of both the practical and conceptual points of view. You'll not only learn how swings work and how to make them better, but the underlying "why" that drives productive sports movement instruction. In addition to the live swing analysis, Michael and Dr. Nesbit will present for the first time on their recently-published research paper on the global inertial properties of a golfer's body, and will do a live question and answer session for both pre-submitted and real-time questions.
-Live Jacobs 3D swing capture and analysis
-Foundations of Golf Club Kinetics
-Understanding Mass Centers of the Body and Club
-Differential Biomechanics by Player Skill Level
-Anatomy of the Shoulder and its Movement in the Swing
-Rotational motions of golfer (based on their new paper)
- Linear Momentum of the golfer’s body segments ~ an elite swing vs a high handicap
Live Q&A
This seminar will take place over Zoom webinar. Your camera will be off and your microphone muted during presentations, but you’ll have chat functionality throughout for questions and comments for the two Jacobs 3D Ambassadors who will be moderating.
Upon registration, you'll get a receipt for your purchase. In October, you’ll get an email asking for question submissions ahead of the seminar. All registered attendees will receive streaming access to a recording of the seminar at your unique IP address through November 7.